
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

He Ponders

It's one of "those" times. I can't do anything - go online, leave my room - without being reminded that I will be applying for jobs; I'm not sure I know what I want to do or even how to figure that out. I had my second thesis meeting, and it wasn't great. It made me feel a little confused, and just small in general. Based on my professors, I'm sure I don't have anything to really worry about. They want me to do well, and they're still excited to see what I'm going to come up with. In any event, it's the kind of season where you wonder what's going on.

I went back to a verse I read this morning:

For a man's ways are before the eyes of the Lord, and he ponders all his paths. Proverbs 5:21

The Lord ponders all the paths of a man. What does it mean to ponder?

1. to consider something deeply and thoroughly; meditate 
2. to weigh carefully in the mind, consider thoughtfully 

God considers the paths of of man deeply and thoroughly. Nothing happens without a purpose. There is a weighing of intent; every action and reaction carefully considered. How freeing that is!

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