
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Messy and Ashamed

Tonight, I'm giving a talk (other people have called it a lecture, but the whole idea of giving a lecture freaks me out so I don't use that term) as part of a speaker series on John 14:6. I'm really excited about it, and I really hope that people ask questions because I'm only going to talk for about 20 minutes and will feel awkward if there's a lot of silence afterwards.

In any event, I titled it, "Why I Need Jesus to be All He Claims to Be". I'm probably breaking a rule of giving talks, because I basically titled it a question and I'm going to answer that question within the first 5 minutes. I'm also going to quote Stick It. La la la whatever, right? (I think yolo is probably more relevant).

I'll post a piece from the beginning, in case anyone sees it and decides they want to come.

Recently, I read an article called "Messy and Ashamed". I don't remember the specific content, but I do remember that phrase. Contrary to what some of you may think about me, I come to Jesus messy and ashamed. I have lied, I have failed to submit to God-given authorities, I have been angry, which is equated with murder. I have lusted, which is the same as adultery in God's eyes. I have held on to idols - like time, money, and public opinion; I have gossiped and I have failed to love my neighbor. By my own admission, I am a liar, a rebel, a murderer, an adulteress, an idolater, a gossip and a failure. If that isn't messy and ashamed, I don't know what is. So I have this question burning on my heart, "Lord, I am messy and ashamed. Where do I go from here?" 

I can't look at John 14:6 without seeing the words as what they are - an answer for my mess and shame. In the previous verse, Thomas, one of Jesus' followers asks, "How can we know the way?" Jesus tells him who He is, the way, the truth and the life. What I find to be most important about this question and response is that Thomas is totally clueless. The way is before him, and he has no idea. It's like going out by the president's house and asking where college street is. It's right there! But if Jesus hadn't told me who He was , and is, I would, like Thomas, remain oblivious. Jesus shows me who I am - with my sin and my mess and my utter failures, and then He tells me who He is: I am the way, the truth and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through me. 

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