
Monday, January 28, 2013

It May Not Be Easy To Be A Woman

I shared Ann Voskamp's blog post on facebook yesterday, but I'm going to post some of the text here, because I know there are some women who read the blog but are not my facebook friends.

I also have to admit, that I just found her blog yesterday and literally read every entry. Sabbath rest. Also, I watched the interview she gave at Patrick Henry College and I LOVED it. Furthermore, I am addicted to those interviews, and it's really weird but that's ok.

(The title of this post comes from my favorite line)

"Women could be this to each other:

We’ll tell our daughters at the sink and at the mirror and at the door, that your Father made you fearfully and wonderfully and uniquely and You are the perfect-sized you for a God-sized plan.

And we’ll say it in the dressing rooms and to the shaming thoughts behind closed doors and we’ll say it to every woman who hides: that God’s daughters fit in any swim suit, dress suit, shimmering suits, because they are suited up in the armour of Christ, and no arrows from the media or the past or ourselves can harm us.

We will be sisters to each other and we won’t ever judge another sister and we will see each woman’s face as pure God-masterpiece because it’s the truth and we’ll tell each other what every woman needs to hear: You have the prettiest eyes.

Because it’s always first the eyes, always first the perspective and the way we see, and if the eyes have light, the whole body is full of light. We have to help our sisters see who they are in light of Christ — so radiant. 

So we’ll say it a dozen time a day, to every woman who we meet because it’s the truth and she needs to hear it and no matter if she has a man saying it, she has sisters speaking into her scraped and bleeding places: You are so beautiful — so soul beautiful. And we’ll watch our sisters’ eyes light, always first the eyes.

And we won’t ever let one of our sisters ever forget and we won’t leave even one woman behind:

The curve of a smile is a woman’s most perfect curve and the only tag that matters is the one that says Robed in the Righteousness of Christ.

It may not be easy to be a woman in this world. But it is always perfect to be a woman in His hand"

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