
Monday, December 3, 2012

A Person is a Person...

A person is a person through other people.

This a Xhosa phrase that I learned as a freshman in college. It clearly describes the collectivist philosophy that may seem foreign to many who have known only western thought.

In any event, talking to some of my friends has helped me realize who I am to them, what my role is in our social groups.

According to them, I am

- Secure

- Fair

- Non-judgmental

- Unaffected by drama

- Confident

- Trustworthy

- Likable

- Independent

- A good friend

- Optimistic

People said that they feel good telling me about conflicts because I'm not going to tell anyone else, and I'm also not going to be affected by the knowledge I receive. I will continue to see the best in people, extend kindness, and offer a listening ear.

It can certainly be nice to know what other people think about you. Now if only I could translate this to getting a leg up on my career...

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