
Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I'm going to go through the alphabet with thing that I'm thankful for. I'm not going to try to over spiritualize this; I want to be honestly grateful for the many many blessings in my life. I am most thankful for my salvation, given freely by God through His Son, Jesus Christ. Everything else is just an added bonus

Autumn. Cool weather, pretty leaves, and pumpkin spice americanos

Beloit College. It deserves its place in the book Colleges That Changed Lives. It gave me opportunities I couldn't have even dreamed of, and in the process, it has indeed changed my life. Not to mention the incredible mentors and friends it's given me for the ride.

Children. My aunt has 3 adorable little ones, and I've spent some time this fall around some cool kids. I love their playfulness and their confidence. They're not afraid of what you might think of them. And I especially love the things they say when it comes to God sometimes. Love it.

Destiny. The fact that I have one, that God has a plan in my life.

Enthusiasm. I love when I go somewhere - to the library, the tolls, the coffee shop - and the person working is enthusiastic about her life. I love when people get excited about whatever it is they do, even if it's just walking their dog.

Family. Both the family I was born with, and the families I've been given. Although we have our problems at times, I am so thankful for the way I was raised. I am thankful for my two families in Senegal - the Samb family, and the Sine family. They showed me such hospitality and kindness earlier this year. I am thankful for my GOV family, east and west.

Girlfriends. I went from being the girl with few friends because I was so introverted, to having so very many girls I can depend on and trust. They are smart, compassionate, enthusiastic, and a hundred other things.

Health. I don't have any serious health problems. Perhaps even more amazing, I didn't get malaria this year. That is something to be seriously grateful for.

Imagination. Mine is not the best, but it makes me appreciate it that much more. I love seeing these crazy ideas come out of people, like Ian Watt at

Jessica. She is family, so maybe this is a repeat, but I am so grateful for her. I cannot believe how far she's come in just this year. Even if she does call me when I'm dead asleep, I still love her.

Knowledge. The fact that there's always something more to learn, and a way to learn from every other person we meet.

Lecrae. I'm listening to him right now, and his lyrics blow me away every time. I'm thankful for the influence he has, and his willingness to grow.

Moms. Mine, because she manages to put up with me, and mothers in general because the have one of the hardest, but most amazing jobs in the world.

Newness. Beyond thankful that I am a new creation.

Open Doors. An organization, that started with Brother Andrew, that smuggles Bibles to the underground church around the world. Amazing. I'm so thankful for their courage, their faith, and their devotion to the gospel.

Pumpkin. I love pumpkin everything. I'm so grateful someone looked at the hard exterior and figured out it was delcisious and can and should be put in EVERYTHING
Quiet mornings with Jesus and coffee. mmmmyalla bax na

Reading. I love books. I'm reading Equipped to Love and Light Force right now. Both highly recommended.

Salvation. I couldn't resist putting this in here. I love "Under Grace" by Darlene Zschesch, when she says, "I am forever grateful for my salvation/Washing over all my sin/You are washing over all my sin"

Twigs to Branches, our J127 band name. I love everyone I got to spend this semester with and was so blessed by experiencing life together.

Unwhiches. Because sometimes I just don't want bread.

Violin. Even though I don't play much anymore, I'm grateful I learned. It opened up new spaces in my mind, and it made learning guitar (and piano) so much easier.

Wisdom. I have had some very wise people pouring into my life, and sharing what they've learned. Not to mention that I have finally come around to the book of Proverbs.

Xadi, xarit, xam and all the other Wolof words that start with X. Maybe this is cheating, but I don't care. I loved learning Wolof this year, and the way it feels in my mouth.

Young women in CCM, like Dara Maclean, Kari Jobe, and especially Jamie Grace ;)

Zest. And all the people who add it to my life.

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