
Sunday, September 30, 2012

When God's Goodness Gets Old

You've all heard it, the phrase, "God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good" Or even just "God is good". It never gets any less true. God is never any less good. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever. Praise the Lord!

But sometimes saying "God is good" makes it feel stale. The pizza we ordered was good. The movie was good. The book was good. She's a good friend. The lecture was good. The candle smells good. Pizza and God just aren't even on the same level.

Despite the fact that I've been out of Senegal for nearly five months now, I find myself saying, "Yalla bax na" as I pray, as I text friends, as I read the Bible, as I worship, as I pause through out my day. Yalla bax na. It's special for me. It means the exact same thing - God is good - but I don't run around all day saying, "this book bax na" It's something sacred, reserved for the Holy One.

We visited another church today, we talked about the Lord giving grace for us to dig deep into our iniquity and to walk from darkness into light.

Thank God that in darkness, the light looks even brighter.

Yalla bax na

For once you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of Light Ephesians 5:8 

This is what I drew as the pastor finished his message 

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