
Monday, August 6, 2012

My Boyfriend

Tonight, my level 3s and 4s (think 7-12 year old girls) decided I had a boyfriend. I don't know which one of them started this rumor, but by the end of conditioning and stretching, one of the littlest pistols came up to me and said, "We all know about your boyfriend. Someone said it and we passed it along" I asked what he was like, and she said, "He's really cute and loves you a whole lot". I asked, "Well does he love Jesus a whole lot?" She looked a bit perplexed at this one, ran off to another girl and whispered in her ear; then they both turned and gave me a big shrug, "We don't know!". I said, "I thought you said you knew him. "We do!" they cried. I said, "You might know someone, but if he doesn't love Jesus, than he's not my boyfriend"

Later on, the girls decided to set me up with some of their older brothers. "We go to church, and pray, and he's a pretty good guy, but don't tell him I said that". I asked, "How old is your brother?" "16". I said, "Um, girls, how old do you think I am?" They were caught off guard to hear I was almost 21. Little girls are so funny.

It hit me as being extra funny tonight, because I listened to a sermon on dating and courtship on the way to work tonight (and the way home). And I have to say, Mark Driscoll was pretty entertaining on the subject. Here were two highlights for me:

On dating non believers: "I've got girls that are dating guys who aren't Christians, but they tell me, 'Well, he believes in God'. I say, 'The Bible says even demons believe in God, and I really wouldn't suggest you date one of them'".

On young single men serving in the nursery/children's ministry: "You want to be a dad, there's a bunch of kids you can practice on and learn from in the nursery. And you know what else, there's plenty of nice girls over in there too, and then once you get playing with the kids together, you might starting thinking, hey, we both like kids, this is going well, you and I could do this"

But there was real wisdom in there, not just laughs. And yes, I'm kind of on a Mark Driscoll kick. I only listened to my church's sermons while I was abroad, so I'm all over the place right now - Piper, Driscoll, Ludy. Plus it's a nice way to jazz up the bike commute.

In any event, I don't have a boyfriend, but I have been writing letters to my future husband for about 2 years now, prayers and thoughts for him and us. And this was the last thing that made today one of those "everything fits" kind of days; I was writing to him for the first time in awhile this afternoon. It's something I'd really encourage other single readers out there to do - write to your future husband or wife. It can help keep you focused on growing and learning yourself, help you to pray for him or her, and it will make an incredible gift for your honeymoon. While I know of people who have made it very formal, it doesn't have to be. Sometimes I just write down verses I'm praying for him, or share a piece of wisdom from a book I'm reading. Occasionally I write down things I want us as a couple to at least consider and pray about(like adoption). And it doesn't have to be every day. I write a handful of times a month, but it's always heartfelt and prayerful.

A long post on someone who doesn't exist ;)

PS. Here's another hint on the picture: Lamentations.

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