
Monday, August 13, 2012

Happy Birthday to Caleb

I went to visit my grandparents, aunt, uncle, and cousins this weekend, to celebrate my cousin Caleb's first birthday. I hadn't seen their new house yet, and I hadn't seen the Whelan crowd since before leaving for Senegal. As always, I was blessed by their family (and holding an adorable baby boy doesn't hurt either).

I love watching my aunt (Robin) and uncle (Chad) raise their children. They were married when I was in 6th grade, and they have 3 kids - Caeden (5), Alana (3), and Caleb (1).  I would say they are strict parents, but it clearly comes out of incredible love. I also love to see them blessing and encouraging their kids, and watching the littlies grow up.

Robin: Cade, remember that we are gentle with our sister. You are the boy, you are supposed to protect her.
Alana: Mommy, then who protects Caeden?
Robin: Mommy and Daddy and God.
Alana: So we don't need soldiers?
Robin: That's another conversation...

Morning before church -
The two oldest see my pink Bible and ask, "Is that a book?" I said, "It's a Bible", to which they respond, "So are you going to read us a story?" I asked if they'd want to go get their storybook Bible from upstairs, but they said no. They snuggled in close to me, and I read Psalm 23, thinking they'd be familiar with it. When I was done, they said, "That was nice, but that was a chapter, not a story". So then we started in Genesis with creation. I kept pausing to ask them what came next, but their answer was always "Adam and Eve?" so we just read. We got through almost 3 chapters before it was time to go. So precious.

And the little guy turned 1! I can't believe it. The last time I saw him, he was pulling himself up on ledges and promptly falling right on his bottom; now he's running around like a wild child. Thankfully, he does not object to being held, so I spent some good times with my arms full of baby. I even took him for little rides on the skateboard :) That was beyond adorable.

Hugs and kisses to them all!

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