
Friday, August 17, 2012

Attitude Check

I never ask off work. Ever. And I sub for almost anyone who asks. I sub for someone at least once a week.

For today, since it's my birthday, I asked the girl I work with from 4-8 if she could supervise open gym alone for an hour. I was going to stay until 7, leave, shower, and then go hang out with friends. I was literally asking for one hour off, and still working 3. That's not a ridiculous request, is it?

Well she texted me this morning and said she couldn't make it. That's really annoying. I sub for her all the time on absolutely no notice (she's given me two hours' notice before, and I came in). I asked her a week ago, she said yes, and now she bailed. I asked everyone else and no one can do it. I was just getting so irritated because I never ask for anything like this, and I always help other people out even when I don't want to and I just want to celebrate my birthday with some friends.

And then I realized how self centered I was. Is it a frustrating thing? Yes. Is it fair? No. But that's life sometimes. God is still good; Jesus is still my joy. That's what really matters.

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