
Monday, July 30, 2012


Over the past week, that John Piper has popped into my life again, "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him". It was in an article on The127Project, and then my pastor mentioned it in his sermon this week. And as I watch some disappointed athletes at the Olympics, I can't help but say that again.

As I watched Jordyn Wieber crying last night while attempting to talk with nagging reporters, I looked at her and said that. God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.

The verse that I have always connected with this is Romans 8:28, God works all things for good. If at all times we can say, God meant this for good, and that is satisfaction enough for me. Lord, Your ways are higher than mine; You are enough for me. If I have You I need nothing else.

This also ties in with some thoughts I've been having about the sovereignty and faithfulness of God. If you've been following my thoughts for awhile, you've seen that I have always come back to two things: God is faithful, and God is sovereign. Today I was thinking on this and I realized that these two elements hinge on one other so much that it is nearly impossible to separate them. Could the Lord be faithful without being sovereign? That is, could His promises come true if He weren't in control? I can't fathom that. On the flip side, could God be sovereign without being faithful? If He doesn't do as He intended - what He said He would do - how is that sovereignty? If we believe God is in control, God is going to get what God wants: the fulfillment on His promises.

I hope you see how this ties together. A little random tonight, sorry.

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