
Monday, June 4, 2012

What's At Stake

What's At Stake - Adam Cappa

A million faces everywhere, a million reasons not to 
care, I get so caught up inside my own little world
Choosing what I want to hear, seems I'm bound by my own 
fear, desperate for a change, so why am I just sitting 

While everyone is searching for a truth we found, why 
do we keep it secret even from the ones we love? Are we 
too afraid to speak up?


And I don't know why we let lives pass us by, can't we 
see all that's been broken inside?
And I am so tired of another selfish day's end, these 
people who are lost, will face eternity one day
Can't we see what's at stake?

Another day has come and gone, another life confused 
and lost, I have been so silent for far too long
It's up to me to share the hope that I have found


Sooner or later, this world will end, nothing else will 
matter but the life we've lived
One day we will stand before the throne and answer to 
the one whose name is Love

Chorus (x2)

Can't we see what's at stake?
There's so much at stake

Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 

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