
Sunday, June 10, 2012


My younger sister graduated from high school yesterday. It's been a long difficult road; in many ways I feel that these last 6 months have been longer and harder than any of the previous years. But she made it. As I listened to the various speakers and well-wishes given to this class of 2012, I thought of my own graduation 3 years earlier. I heard the students being told that they were now equipped to achieve anything, to go forth and really start something. I had heard similar things when I sat in their shoes, and I had latched onto them.

Now, at 20, I found myself sitting there cynically, fully aware that few things turn out the way we plan and expect and hope. I have learned that I don't need to be so proud of my strengths, that it is in weakness that I am made strong. I've learned that not having a plan is ok. I've learned that asking for help can be the bravest move one can make. I've learned that there are a million more possibilities than I'd ever imagined, and that what I know will never be but a small fraction of what I don't know.

I thought about what I would want to tell the class of 2012. I decided that it would be: don't play it safe. There are two parts to this idea in my mind:

1) Try something new. For example, running cross country was the craziest and best decision I made as a college freshman. From it flowed not only a new sport, but a team that became my family, friends in the form of competitors from around the midwest, a life long lesson in time management and decision making, being able to force myself to do things I didn't want to do, and some of the best quiet times I've ever had. If you can't meet God on a 12 mile run through the forest, I don't know where you will. I protested even our 20 minute runs in high school, and now I've achieved runs hours long. Taking this chance has made my college experience absolutely unbelievable.

2) Go with all your heart. I don't believe in sort of committing. I believe in putting my heart and soul into life, and for me, that's been giving it to Jesus and letting Him take control. You might think you're in control of your life, but you must worship something. Worshiping money will leave you lonely, worshiping fame will leave you lost, worshiping pleasure will leave you constantly looking for more, and worshiping a person will leave you disappointed. Only worshiping the Lord will leave you satisfied.

Try something new, go with all your heart, don't play it safe.

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