
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Thanks For Holding My Hand

 "Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend" Albert Camus

Maggie Cress said something so simple and beautiful as we walked back to campus last night; "thanks for holding my hand" As we walked through the dark night on the empty streets, I was struck by the perfection of that statement, and the way it captures everything I most want to say about this weekend. 

On Thursday, I pulled off a grand surprise thanks to Maggie and Coach Bliese; I told the track team I was meeting them in De Pere on Friday morning, but showed up in Beloit Thursday instead. I met Maggie before my job interview at the YMCA (I'm employed!), caught up with my pastor's wife over lunch, and then the surprises began. 

I called Betsy from outside and kept it casual, until I told her to come down to the all. She ran down, one shoe falling off and we hugged. I went up to her room, and we caught up until she had a project to do. I volunteered to help and down we went. Double takes abounded, as did hugs, as one by one, people found out I was there. Surprising Eck was wonderful. It felt so good to be welcomed back with open arms. 

Conference was disappointing for many, and there were some rough moments for all. I was glad to be there in any way I could. Betsy asked me what was the biggest thing I learned from Senegal. 

Nit nitay garabam: a person is another person's remedy

We talked about how we'd been learning that lesson at the same time, nearly 5,000 miles apart, that it is ok, and even essential to rely on other people. God gifts us these people so that He might use them to touch our hearts. 

I was enjoying a coffee at Starbucks after a brief Bible study when Maggie's dad came up to me and said, "Kate, thank you for being such a good friend to Maggie. She loves you so much and you have played such a big role in her first year" I teared up. 

I sat with Betsy as we watched Miss Elizabeth Liztowne EJ Peckham graduate once and for all, and we met up just afterwards for a picture of the pole vault family ladies. Liztowne and I both hate goodbyes, and I didn't get a chance to say everything I wanted to, that having her as a friend these past years has been a tremendous blessing and pleasure, and that I am so excited to see where she goes next in life. I gave Maggie a tight hug goodbye, and off it was. 

Betsy walked me to my car, and as we made promises of visits this summer and said our goodbyes, I struggled to hold it all in. I got in my car and cried because of all that had happened in these relationships, and how precious they've all been to me. 

I remembered Maggie's words, as my fingers rested interlocked with hers, "thanks for holding my hand" Maggie, Liztowne, and Betsy, we have held each others' hands through so much and no matter the distance, the grip will not break. 

I still feel like I'm in a bit of a dreamland when it comes to being back in America. As I told Betsy, it's been uncomfortable for me, and having great friends and family has helped so much. 

Thank you girls for holding my hand. 

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