
Thursday, May 3, 2012


*I meant to put this up yesterday, but the internet was being wonky.

Today was a beautiful day. I ran some errands and was able to cross some things off my to do list. Addie and I visited our beloved sandwich shop with the somewhat sketchy preparation. Health inspectors from the US would have a fit. In any case, we took our goods to the roof of the Baobab Center and enjoyed and talked about life. We went to my house and a nearby supermarket to grab something sweet. I presented my neighbor with the picture of us, and she was very happy. Addie saw her showing other neighbors and friends while I was at the atm.

Then we met up with Djiby, and he asked us if we wanted to go to a beach. We thought he was saying Balto…like the Disney movie? In any case, it was not important because we are always up for anything. It turns out it was Voil D’Or. Whoops. It was a nice hotel/restaurant/beach area that had an admission of 1,000cfa. It was the whitest, cleanest beach I’ve seen in Senegal, with lots of shady palm trees. Addie made us the first round of attaya, and Ibra joined us, but after the first round we ran out of gas. We ate maad with a lot of sugar and a bit of salty piment. I ate the skin for the first time, it was weird and I pretended to like it. The fleshy seeds are so good – I think the skin’s texture just surprised me.

Addie and I went back to my house, but not before purchasing the best benay. Mmmmmm.

This is exactly what I want to be doing my last few days. Unfortunately that whole packing things has to happen. Soon. In case I need to pick up another small suitcase, which is entirely possible. On vera.

Pretty pretty beach 

Djiby and I 

Djiby and Addie, doing the tea. Addie learned the xiim! 

Maad, with a lot of sugar, and just a little salt/piment. I like the pieces you suck on, but the skin was quite strange. 

Pirogue floating on by 

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