
Saturday, April 7, 2012


For our Islam class, we went to visit the grand mosque in Touba, the holy city for the Mouride confrerie (brotherhood). I was actually really nervous as this visit got nearer, as I know that spiritual forces of places of worship are so strong that they can have an effect on you, no matter how strong you are in the Lord.

In general, seeing mosques, seeing people praying, it's all just made me feel sad. It aches that there are so many living enslaved when they could be free by Christ.

So for this visit, I took all precautions. I woke up early to soak myself in the Word. I asked for prayer from some friends back home. I used the four-hour bus ride to listen to a sermon, to worship music, to read the book of Mark, and to pray. I meditated on the past - on what was happening on this day right after Christ was crucified. I imagined the faithful seeking God and just waiting on Him.

As we got into the city, I felt an internal struggle in my soul. I don't even know how many times I invoked the name of Jesus, asking for all presence of darkness to be cast out by His life.

I tucked my blackberry into my dress because of its Bible app. I didn't think I'd end up reading it, but it felt secure to have the Truth with me.

Before entering, we had to take off our shoes. I was really leery about this because for me, it's honoring a lord other than Jesus. But our guide said it wasn't an act of submission or honor, it was just to keep impurities off the ground of the mosque.

Inside, we had to wear long skirts, sleeves and veils. I took a few pictures of the mosque if only to remind myself of what lost-ness looks like, of who I need to be praying for. I prayed Jesus' name and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit the entire visit, which only lasted about 20 minutes. I thank God for providing strength and protection for me.

I reminded myself of Luke 23:45, when as soon as Jesus dies the veil of the temple is torn and we can go into the holiest place, freely and boldly. I remembered what freedom is and what it cost. I want to look at that picture of myself in front of the mosque and leap for joy in my liberty.

Perhaps this was a good weekend for this trip after all. I can't think of a better time to celebrate the risen sacrificial Lamb.

 But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.  And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:16-18

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