
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Santa Yalla Bes Bu Nekk

Today, church was different. I couldn't tell exactly what it was, but there was such a spirit of worship involved. People came to celebrate Jesus, and that's what we did.

This is the kind of church that when they read Psalm 150, dancing is not merely a suggestion It says dance before the Lord, and that's just what we did. That type of worship isn't what I naturally sink into. I'm a fall on your face before the Lord kind of person. That being said, I can be a bit of a jumper at times. We didn't have a powerpoint with the words up, but the songs were either simple/repetitive enough, or I knew them already.

We did a different greeting today, one that I have never done in any church before; we greeted one another with a holy kiss! Bisou, a cultural practice left by the French

For the first half hour or so, all we did was sing really energetic songs - clapping, and dancing, taking moments out to pray. At one point we just sang Jesus' name over and over again. There was another song where we sang Dieu est bon, Dieu est bon, Dieu est bon; Jesus est bon, Jesus est bon, Jesus est bon; Yalla bax na, Yalla bax na, Yalla bax na; Yeesu bax na, Yeesu bax na. Then people had an opportunity to share why God was good for them. After a brie exhortation, and offerings, we took to prayer again. To end the prayer, the band started up with Jesus Soit Le Centre. Wow, it was such powerful timing for me. We moved into the slower worship that I prefer, and I was incredibly moved.

As if it couldn't get any better, I heard the familiar strains of A La Croix, one of the few Hillsong songs that have been translated into French.

I am so very thankful that the Lord has used the people of Eglise Evangelique to touch me. When sincere hearts come together in worship, there is simply nothing that can compare.

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