
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Breaking A Fast

Lent technically ends on Maundy Thursday, but I like, most people I know of, broke my fast today. There is something amazing to me about waiting for something and then enjoying it as I remember the fact that today, Jesus is risen and my sins are forgiven. Salvation has come.

I stopped at a bakery with friends and bought a few chocolate covered madeleines (which are delicious on their own; just ask Proust). I enjoyed them, and Addie noticed. She knew that I had waited for them for quite awhile, and now I was able to eat this treat.

It made me think. The Jews had been waiting a long time for their Messiah to come. A very long time. And then, there were those who followed Jesus, who believed He was the one for whom they'd been waiting. And then He dies. What now? Everything they'd been waiting for had come to a screeching halt. Maybe He wasn't their guy after all. Maybe they were still waiting.

And then He rises. Jesus lives, in a resurrected body at first unrecognizable to their eyes. He's here. Life forevermore. Partake in the gift of life, liberty, pardon, redemption, and grace. Rejoice!

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