
Thursday, March 1, 2012


Time is a strange concept, especially here. I've passed many hours completely unconcerned about how long I've been there or what time it is at all. I quit wearing a watch back in late September (except for running), so if I leave my phone in my bag, or pocket, I have no way of knowing. Our "ten minute" breaks from class are more or less; we go by feeling. My youngest host brother just sleeps when he's tired, even if it means crashing in the middle of dinner, and wakes up when he's not tired anymore. Things happen when they happen.

At the same time, I've found it to be important to take note of how I'm spending my downtime, my hours where I'm free on my own, especially during the week. With 6 hours of class T/W/Th, much of the day is taken up, especially when you factor in the walks to and from school (including going home for lunch), an internship, spending time with my host family (important), and any school work.

I realized near the end of January that I was using a lot of my downtime to read random books that were neither intellectually beneficial nor particularly edifying my relationship with Christ. So for the month of February, I decided to fast from all "books for pleasure". I replaced it with time in prayer, worship, or the Bible. It was such a great experience for me, and I found I was better able to face my days with joy and peace. Even though now I will probably start to bring these things back into my life, I know what is more beneficial for me, and I feel I'll be able to better center and discipline myself.

I found this quote today, and I thought it very appropriate.

"We must accept the hard truth now: the man who would know God must give time to Him" AW Tozer

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