
Friday, March 16, 2012

A Life in Contrasts

We just got done finalizing the details of our spring break trip, and I couldn't help but reflect on the differences from last year.

Spring Break 2011: I was asked to pray about going down south over BBM to help with some conferences. GOV generously purchased a flight from Chicago to Memphis, and I got to see some really amazing people for the first time in months. I was sent packing ideas over email, and brought pretty dress clothes, makeup, my blackberry. We ate at restaurants and had Starbucks two times a day. Road travel was done in a nice car with plenty of stops. We stayed in hotels and someone's home.

Spring Break 2012: We jumped on the idea of going to a park, staying in villages and going hiking. We're taking a 12- hour bus to a location everyone tells us, "It's hot there". I'm packing just my backpack with an outfit or two, and we've made a pact against hair washing. We divided up who was bringing toothpaste and other essentials. We don't know if we'll be able to charge our phones. Travel will be 4 wheel drive, sweaty buses, or taxis. We're staying in encampments and don't know what to expect.

But Psalm 139:3 is still true.
You search out my path and my lying down
and are acquainted with all my ways

And I am equally excited! Everyone says it's beautiful there, so I'll be glad to see for myself.

Dinanu tukki! Nu dem!

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