
Saturday, February 11, 2012

La Sainte Bible (The Holy Bible)

Having read through the Bible numerous times in English, in a number of translations, I was led to begin doing the same in French. I've really been enjoying this, and right now I'm in Genesis, the early Psalms, and 2 Corinthians.

I was reading today about Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son, and how God provided an animal for them while listening to the Jesus Culture song "Fill Me Up". These two things got me thinking about sacrifice, and the way I've always thought about this story from Genesis.

In "Fill Me Up", it says, "You provide the fire/I'll provide the sacrifice". This is how I've traditionally thought of Abraham and Isaac. Abraham had a willingness to serve the Lord, and so he brought forth his beloved son in order to put obedience before his own desires. This is commendable, and is an example to all of us of how to put ourselves last.

But then I was thinking about it some more, and I think the angle of God providing the sacrifice is really interesting. The Lord showed Abraham exactly what the offering should be. And that got me thinking: sometimes we have an idea of what we could live without, and we offer that to the Lord instead of what He's really calling us to give. What if, in "Fill Me Up", the "you" referred to us, and the "I" were God? What if He's saying, right now, "Be passionate about Me, be willing to serve Me, and I'll show you how to do that"?

I don't have answers or a neat summary or how this relates to Senegal or anything like that, but I found it to be an interesting thought.

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