
Monday, February 20, 2012

Christ and Him Crucified

For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ and him crucified.
1 Corinthians 2:2 (KJV)

I have developed over the past year or two the practice of being aware of what my first thought of the day is. Sometimes it's song lyrics (yesterday it was "Be Unto Your Name"), or the remnants of a dream. Other times it's excitement over something I'm doing that day, or a reminder of some kind, or simple thoughts of gratitude. Occasionally it's "where am I?" or "how much more could I sleep?"

Today, it was this verse. This is what happens when you listen to Eric Ludy before bed, I suppose. It's an interesting verse for my time here, not only because of the fact that the country is mostly Muslim, but also because of what we've been taught it means to grow. We are told to question everything, to learn all we can, to explore, to try new things. I'm not saying that's bad, but when it comes to spiritual life, in a sense, it is.

I definitely think we should ask questions about our faith, I'm not saying we shouldn't. But who are we asking? Are we asking the world around us, or are we asking the Author an Perfector of our faith? All of life that we know is a result of Christ and him crucified. Curiously enough, this verse was also followed by a song: Liberty by Shane and Shane, which sings lyrics inspired by Galatians 5 and says, "For freedom You've set me free, and yes I am free indeed. You rewrote my name, unshackled my shame, You opened my eyes to see that I am free"

What I understand from these two pieces is that in the knowledge of Christ and him crucified, we find freedom, freedom to take in the beauty of the world around us, yet with the knowledge it is nothing compared to the glory of God.

In Senegal, I find myself in awe of a new place, a new way of life, one that must be put in the context of Christ and him crucified. Because as we've established in our Dakar in Transition class, one can only learn in comparison to what he already knows. To know only Christ and him crucified is to walk in him and to see what he wants us to know from the life he's leading us in.

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