
Friday, February 17, 2012

Ana Addie (Where's Addie)?

Oh how we love our dear Addie, whose habit of being on Dakar time has prompted our professors to ask, "Ana Addie?" on a regular basis.

Speaking of classes, we definitely go to them. Maybe not every day, but we do generally have about 6 hours a day. Although, the homework is minimal it feels like less.

T/Th (Some Wednesdays) 5-7: Islam in Senegal with Babaccar. I am the teacher's pet for sure, which makes sense because I'm a religious studies major and is ironic because I'm very muchso Christian. Last night, Babaccar was walking out with Val and I and he jokingly said that he and I were going to pray at the mosque; then he said I wasn't allowed. I want to have so many discussions with him all day long.

W/Th/F 11-1: Wolof with Ismaela. He rocks. We share many jokes and laugh a lot. It's possible we're also learning Wolof. Men na am nungi jang Wolof itam.

T/Th 9-11: Dakar in Transition. I like Ibou Diallo, our prof, but mostly outside of class. I've had some really interesting chats with him, despite being relatively indifferent about the class. We go on field trips around Dakar, which are enjoyable, if not a tad confusing (example: we got lost on Sunday afternoon trying to go home).

T 11-1:30, Th 9-11: Gender and Politics in Literature with the beautiful and wise Adama. She's fascinating, but is really into monologuing. Her class bears an uncanny resemblance to those of the 82 year old French professor we left back at Beloit.

F 9-11: Peoples and Cultures, aka Anthro. This class confuses me a little, though Angeline is in love (she did admit today was quite dull though). It seems scattered and unorganized; our teacher had to ask us where we left off last week. I'm not sure exactly what the learning goals are, but I liked last week when we discussed Senghor, negritude, and African thought. I also love the reading we were given today on Wolof proverbs. There's hope.

Note the absence of class on Monday, Friday afternoons, some Wednesday afternoons, and from lunchtime til 5. Not to worry, Partners International is filling that time quite nicely for me. I'm keeping an hours log there too, just for the record:

6/2 9-1
8/2 2:45-4:45
9/2 2:30-4:50
13/2 8:45-1:15, 3-6
14/2 2:50-4:50
15/2 2:45-4:45
17/2 2:45-5:15

Although I'm there a lot, it's completely by choice. Not only is this the most flexible job I've ever had, it's also the most relaxed. Josh and I like to talk American politics and discuss his own political ambitions (President of Kenya 2027) while, ahem or in lieu of, working. The other day we, along with Aidilene, were discussing the Marabouts and talibes (students of the Khoran who are often mistreated and forced to beg) and what the appropriate reaction is as Christians. I'm going to miss those two when they leave for Thies next week!

Everything I do reminds me of God's faithfulness, and to be thankful for His abundant blessings of hope, grace, joy and peace.

Ana Addie? Dinaa dem ko gis leggi (I'm going to see her now)! Really, it's true. It's Friday afternoon Beloit toubab bonding time, unofficially instated as of last week.

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