
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

There's a Bug in the Shower...

and other random things you may or may not actually want to know.

1) There was a millipede or something else equally yucky in the shower area. My sister warned me about it, though, and told me she had killed it. Oh well good.

2) If, I mean when, a Senegalese man asks if I'm married, I say yes. They often ask when it was. For some reason, I always say August. I like the way an August wedding sounds. Plus August is my birthday month and a wedding would be a nice birthday gift, right? Man am jekkar means I have a husband in Wolof. Pretty useful phrase.

3) I was asked for the first time a slightly different version of that question, if I was "fiancee" (if you guessed that means "engaged", you're getting the hang of things). I said yes, to which my pseudo suitor asked if it was final. Again, I said we were getting married in August. Maybe in the future I'll get married in August for real. Who knows?

4) I've started using the "rest time" after lunch as quiet time round 2 and it has energized me for the rest of my day. Kari Jobe's new album came out yesterday, so that's been a lovely addition.

5) My current favorite French worship song is Toi Seule es Digne (You Alone are Worthy). This might have something to do with my long-lasting and passionate love for the book of Revelation. I think it's the first book I studied really deeply, when I was 10 or so.

6) I only pretend to study Wolof but am learning it thanks to my family who is dedicated to my language learning, as well as the woman with the vegetable stand next door.

7) Our Wolof teacher says "By jove" and sings "I'm a barbie boy in a barbie world" (because barbie girl would just be ridiculous)

8) Last night my sister asked in Wolof where the bread was. I responded that it was on top of the table. Then in Wolof class today I managed to ask my teacher, entirely in Wolof, if what I said was grammatically correct.

9) Our literature teacher likes to talk. But she's fascinating so it's fine.

10) I accidentally bought health cookies when I went to the store. Didn't realize it til I got home and actually read the package and it said there was a lot of fiber and calcium in them. Junk food fail.

11) The power went out this morning but was back on by the time I came home from lunch.

12) There is also a 3 day traffic strike currently happening.

13) So my younger sister doesn't have school.

14) One of my older sisters doesn't have school because of a strike at University Cheikh Ante Diop

15) I have no idea what everyone does all day, including my parents as they are both retired. My one older sister works. See point 17.

16) Here, beach = gym

17) My other older sister works for Coke. I quit drinking soda 10 years ago.

18) Senegal Kate is basically the same as US Kate except I talk to more people and occasionally join in on activities with people I don't spend all day every day with. But I'd still rather do something calm like help my sister with English than go out to a club or whatever.

19)Addresses are practically useless. I had one and a map and still ended up walking around and stumbling upon the building by accident.

20) If you mail/email/facebook/leave a comment don't ask how Senegal is or anything else equally way too open ended. Ask me what you want to know because I'm really settled in and it just feels like this is how life is. But I do want you to do those things.

21) Why did I number this list? It could have just been bullet points.

22) Maybe it looks like there's more of a point. There's not.

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