
Saturday, January 21, 2012

How Sweet the Sound (Taste, Sight, Smell, Feel)

A friend emailed me and asked how I was enjoying the sounds, the tastes the smells, the sights, even feels. It made me think about using everything I have to sense the world around me. Being in a new place, there is a lot to take in. At meals, walking around, even sitting around the Baobab Center. Taking advantage of this new way of "seeing", I found myself humming that classing hymn.

Amazing grace how sweet the sound

Are sounds sweet, or is attaya? Both.

What does grace sound like:

Father, forgive them; they know not what they do.
It is finished.
Follow Me.
I will be with you.
Be healed.
I will have compassion on No Compassion, and Not My People shall be My People, and I will be their God.
As the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so I will rejoice over you.
I have overcome the world.

The ocean, washing over all my sin.
The walk to...everywhere...filled with those as lost as I once was.
The hand of a child, looking for hope.
Oh my smells like ceeb u jeen; I must be in Senegal!
Seeing an Evangelical Church after I've passed three mosques on my way there.
Rice in my hands...Thou hast brought me to this place

How sweet the sound
How sweet the smell
How sweet the taste
How sweet the feel
How sweet the sight

How lovely the cross that has given me this adventure and this life.

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