
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Nothing Else I Need

Last night, I was in a really drained place. It's midterms week and I haven't been sleeping very much at all. Add to that the fact that our cross country coach switched up our routine. We usually do two easy runs Monday, a hard workout Tuesday, and two easy runs or cross training on Wednesday. This week Monday and Tuesday were more or less the same, but Wednesday we went easy in the morning and then hard again in the afternoon. I was so sore and completely wiped.

When my friend came over to practice for worship at InterVarsity last night, I was minutes away from being asleep. She offered to just figure something out so I wouldn't have to lead and could just go to sleep instead, which I did appreciate her kindness. But when our other friend got there, I figured I'd see how things went.

And I was amazed. Even though I was running on less than empty, when we got our guitars and drum going, I could feel the Lord pouring Himself into me. His glory gave me strength and restoration. God gave me the ability to praise Him and be made new. At InterVarsity a bit later, it intensified. Lifting up my heart with my brothers and sisters fulfilled and sustained me like nothing else.

Jesus took the cross that in Him we would live an abundant life, filled with peace, confidence, and joy. He came to wipe out the pain our sin has caused us, to carry our burdens and remove them from our mind. The more I seek the Lord, the more I know Him. I crave this overwhelming sense of healing and restoration that only He can provide. I am so satisfied in His presence; I have no other needs.

And the LORD will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. Isaiah 58:11

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