
Friday, June 24, 2011

Longing For The Lord

When I work the opening shift at work, I like to play the satellite radio station "the message" in the hour I'm there without any customers. Starting my day in worship helps me get into the right state of mind for the day.

This morning, the familiar beats of Matt Maher's "Your Grace Is Enough" came through the sound system. This is one of my favorite songs, and I have often found comfort in the verses it is inspired by. I was going about my duties when the Lord shot a question at me: "Do you believe that?"

It is one thing to stand and say "Your grace is enough for me", but another to live as if you actually believe it is true. If I truly believed God's grace were enough for me, all day every day, I would never pursue anything that was outside of His plan. I would never look to anything that wants to tell me otherwise. There are so many dark forces that try to tell us that God's grace is not enough. The enemy wants us to believe that we have needs that the Lord just can't fill. He wants us to think that we need more money or a promotion or a boyfriend or whatever because going after those thing will keep us from surrendering ourselves to the work of Christ's Kingdom. Evil is no match for our God, and through the Holy Spirit, God lives in all who call on the name of Jesus. So if we wholeheartedly believed that God's grace was enough, we would see revival in the church; we would begin to see more of the glory of the Lord here on earth.

It is an every day conscious decision that we must make. We must choose to say that the blood of Jesus is enough to keep us from our sin and our desires. We must decide to see the glory, honor, power and truth of God in our lives at a greater level every day. We have to reject in Jesus' name all that tries to keep us from running into our Father's open arms. We must seek the Lord with all of our hearts, because then will we find Him.

O Lord, how I long for more of You and Your glory and majesty in my life. I pray You would remove the corners of my heart that are devoted to causes other than Your Kingdom and power. Fill them, Lord, with Your great love instead and let me by satisfied with the amazing thing called grace. Amen

You will call to Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for me with all you heart. Jeremiah 29:12-13

I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works. I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High. Psalm 9:1-10

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