
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hill Workout

Yesterday I was scheduled for a hill workout. Since it's summer, it's up to me to pick the hill and the reps. I like a good challenge so I picked a teaser - the first 250 meters or so is really steep, and then it levels off for about 50 meters. Then there's another 200 meters at a slightly more gradual incline until you get to another 25 meters level, and then yet another 250 meters to the top. It's tough, and I'm sure all the people who live in those houses think I'm nuts as I run up and down and up and down.

Every time I reach the top of the hill, I pause for just a moment. I look down and soak in what I just did. I feel strong and secure. And yesterday, for some reason, I kept singing "Only me, on my knees, singing holy,holy, and somehow, all that matters now is you are holy,holy"

When I was at the bottom, looking up, I was still singing "Only me, on my knees, singing holy,holy, and somehow, all that matters now is You are holy,holy" On my way home, I was thinking about going up and down and trying to find the strength to do one more, the reluctance to leave the top and head down, only to work my way back up again. I realized that my walk with the Lord is like that. He blesses us in provision, in strength, and security, but He also tests us. Whether we are in a season of comfort, or a season of trial, God is there and carrying us along. But all that matters is that He is faithful, sovereign, and holy.

Lord, I love how You use routine parts of my day to draw attention to Your holiness, to Your being set apart and having set me apart. I love being drawn to worship who You are Lord, and I pray for more of You in my life very day. Amen

"Heaven is a place where God’s holiness is seen fully and that holiness causes such a response that all of heaven can’t help but worship. To be caught up in worship on earth is only a primer of what awaits us in heaven" David Whitehead

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4

Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under his wings. Day and night they never stop saying: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.” – Revelation 4:8

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