
Thursday, February 17, 2011


Life has been crazy! From organizing a student volunteer movement to hosting an author and pastor to pole vaulting to Bible study to school work to trying to sleep once in awhile, I am so blessed to be granted the strength of the the Lord Jesus Christ right now.

Monday marked a very special spiritual moment in my life. A year prior, I began praying for a friend daily, wanting him to return to his walk with the Lord. It was often difficult, especially at the beginning, but God used this time to teach me more about what His love and forgiveness really looks like. He did come back to Christ this summer, but I kept up the prayer because that's what God had called me to. My friend and I both recognize that we are forever linked together, whether or not we see each other again on this side of the world.

To celebrate, I wrote him a message that was simply called "Prayer 365", and it was at the end of the day at the end of the year. Part of his response to me was, "There really aren't words in our dictionary to accurately capture what you've done and to thank you for it", with another piece being, "Kate, you've literally slain me with kindness and selflessness. I cannot begin to put it into words"

The reason he doesn't have any words for this, and really, neither do I, is because what God did in Christ at Calvary is completely indescribable. We don't have a way to talk about the glory of our risen Savior that can come close to what happened there. We try, but it's not enough, and we just have to live in that recognition that God's grace is too big for us to understand all at once. The Lord wants us to continue to follow Him so that He might reveal more of Himself to us. And the fact that the God of the Universe wants anything to do with us is pretty indescribable in itself.

Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! 2 Corinthians 9:15

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