
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Praying is Fun!

I said it. For all you who think praying is serious religious business, you may have just gasped a little bit. It's ok. I'm right there with you. Well I was, anyway.

That's the first time I've been able to say it like that. I've said I like praying, I love praying, I enjoy praying, prayer is a valuable time for me, and other phrases of the likes, but I've never said what I really wanted to. Honestly, it kind of weirded me out (yes, I did just use weird as a verb). I've been thinking this for some time now, but I've always forced that particular adjective out of my head, saying it was too simple, too whimsical.

But here's a question for you: Are you willing to accept a relationship over a religion? Follow up: Are relationships sometimes a lot of fun?

If you answered "yes" to those questions, I think you should be willing to consider the fun factor of prayer. You probably have fun when you talk with your friends and family members. Maybe not all the time; there are times for serious matters to be discussed, and perhaps even arguments to be had, but I bet you laugh once in a while. I bet you smile quite a lot. So why does God have to be so different? Why does the very mention of the Lord of lords automatically give us that serious face?

You know why I think it is? I think the reason is because we don't forgive ourselves. We don't think we're worthy of grace, so we try to keep our relationship with God one dimensional. We tell Him "You're God and I'm just me and that's a good place to keep it". But that's not what He intended. Like I said last time, He already knows we're not good enough; that's why He wants to work with us. Our Father wants to see us transformed. And He's doing it through the blood of Jesus Christ. That blood covers us, but it also invites Christ into our bodies so that we may be renewed and and rest in the dwelling place of the Lord Almighty.

This is the good news, folks! It doesn't get better or more exciting than this. When we come to kneel at the cross in prayer, we should recognize how awesome that is, and enjoy every second of it. And if you're having fun talking to God, go ahead, tell Him just how much fun you are having.

This is one of my favorite fun and happy worship songs

Thank You, Lord, for letting us have fun talking to You. We know it's not possible without the deep love of Jesus, and we can never give enough thanks for that. Let us accept and welcome Your grace, knowing You will be welcoming us with all You have. And God, praying is fun! Amen.

I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. Ecclesiastes 3:12

But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful. Psalm 68:3

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