
Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Coolest Thing...

That's ever happened to me at a track meet:

I am so blessed to be competing in college athletics, and love my teammates dearly - there is certainly no team like ours! But there is one thing I always feel a longing for. My whole career as a YMCA gymnast, we prayed before the competition began. And my entire high school track team would stand and pray together before our meets, a circle of girls linked in Christ. I pray on my own the evening before a meet, for teams traveling before I wake up, I pray as I awake, as our own team steps on the bus, and as warm-ups and competition begin. But I miss standing with my team in prayer.

God knows this, and I prayed about it for quite some time without seeing anything happen. Well this weekend, at the first meet of the season, I had forgotten about those prayers, and as we arrived on the scene my memories flooded back. After our team did our customary warm-up prior to competition’s start, I began to prepare to quiet myself in the Lord’s presence.

Before I could, though, someone from another school came over to me. He seemed a slightly nervous and a little uncertain, and I wasn’t sure what was going on. He said, “Um I think you’re the one I’m supposed to talk to…a bunch of was were going to pray over the meet and maybe you want to join us?” Wow, God! I couldn’t believe what was happening! Our group held hands and prayed over all of the competitors and thanked the Lord for the ways He’s blessed us, and for being who He is. I thanked them with a sincere heart for listening to the Spirit’s conviction even though it was awkward to approach a complete stranger.

We don’t often compete against this school; I don’t know if I’ll see these students again, or if a similar experience will ever occur, but God used this in my life as a learning experience I never want to forget. Their obedience to the Lord brought about an invaluable lesson. What I had hated most about praying in quiet solitude was feeling like I was alone. I longed for that sense of community, of being united by the bonds of Christ. God showed me that I am not alone. I never have been and never will be. The Church is one big community of believers striving to show the deep love of Jesus on this earth, and in it, we are constantly surrounded by the Holy Spirit working within each and every one of us. The Lord has never left us; He works through those, like that guy, who are willing to act with bold obedience.

And this was an enormous testament of God's faithfulness in my life. His ears are always open, and He is always ready to provide for us when the time is right. He could have answered my prayers in a different way in a different time but He chose this way because He's been preparing my heart for it and wanted me to really appreciate His gifts for all they are.

God, You are so good to provide. I can't thank You enough for the ways You remind me of Your presence in my life. My deep love and sincere gratitude leave me lifting my hands in praise to You, the King. Amen

In my distress I cried unto the LORD, and he heard me. Psalm 120:1


  1. That's so awesome Kate! I would have been totally surprised too :) Yay!!
    Sorry I'm not more insightful in my commenting, haha.
    See you on Wednesday!

  2. Comments need not be insightful :) Abigail was also less than insightful last night too. It's going to be a great meeting (I'm biased; I think they're all great!)
