
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Who Am I?

It's one of those big questions we all ask ourselves. What am I doing? Why am I here? Who am I? We're all on this journey to find what is good and honest and true.

But what if we're asking the wrong question? What if the question isn't "Who am I?", but "Who are You?". In examining the life and mission of Jesus Christ, we find a better version of ourselves than we could have ever dreamed of. When Jesus was baptized, prophecy was fulfilled as God spoke, calling Christ His Beloved Son. And in Christ's death and resurrection, we too are adopted into God's family. That's who we are.

At the beginning of October, I saw Tenth Avenue North in concert. My appreciation for the band heightened after this experience, because they didn't just get on the stage and play music and talk about themselves. They talked about Christ and the realities of what He did for us. They were truly there to worship God for who He is, and to help everyone in the audience do the same. They talked about something from the gospel of John in a way I'd never heard before. They said that John's gospel is the only place he is referred to as "the one Jesus loves". At first, I thought that was quite amusing. But the guys from Tenth went on to say how incredibly humble that statement was. You see, John wasn't wrapped up in who he was; his entire identity was in Christ.

And I got to thinking today as I heard the song "Who Am I?" on the radio. And Lord, the best way for me to say who I am is 'I am Yours'.

Save me, for I am Yours; I have sought out Your precepts. Psalm 119:94

Since you are precious and honored in My sight, and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your life. Isaiah 43:4

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