
Thursday, September 30, 2010


The building block of every solid relationship. With so many ways to express yourself, it's almost ridiculous how absent this simple principle can be. We can text, call, talk, dance, sing, write letters, write an email, comment on my blog (hint hint), make music, run around, make a facial expression. These, naturally, are not all inclusive, but I think I've touched enough to make a post out of it.

Texting: How do you relate texting and spirituality? Well every day I send out a Bible verse of the day to member of Christian Fellowship, and sometimes I feel like people don't care all that much. But then there are times where I temporarily forget and someone asks why they haven't gotten a verse yet, or someone responds with a "wow that was just what I needed". Prayers have been lifted up through texts; I have found out about answered prayers. I still can't picture Jesus with a cell phone, but at least His name is being honored through them.

Calling and talking are similar: How many God-moments have I had based on having the right conversation at the right time? Praying together, chatting together, learning how to love each other better. Talking to God-His line is available 24/7!

Dance: Free movement where we are no longer ourselves. We get lost in a world not our own; for me it is the most personal form of worship. No one has ever seen me worship dance, because it's sacred to me.

Sing: Wow I'm a bad singer, however, I love it! Belting out a message is such a great feeling, though, so is softly whispering a slow melody.

Letters: I write letters to God, I write letters to friends. I think it's so much more intimate than just a phone call or an email. You have to actually take time to think about what you want to write, and I often feel the Spirit guiding my thoughts and leading me to something completely different from my intent but infinitely better.

Emails: My favorite use of email is quick affirmations. Telling people in that brief moment how I see God moving in them, how glad I am for their lives; these are the things that make people smile.

Making Music: I play the violin and guitar, which are two similar but very different instruments. When I can't even find words to sing, I can pick up either one and make a joyful noise unto the Lord (Psalm 100:1) and know that He is with me, hearing me.

Running Around: Running is spiritual; it's all you. You and God. You're the only ones in your head, your body a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Running is an expression of freedom, or maybe, as in my weekdays, it's a sign that I'm just a busy person. If you want me to walk slow, you can forget us walking together. How interesting; sometimes I run in constant noise, and then when I practice, I race, I'm actually stoked by a quiet flame.

Facial Expressions: Faces say it all. Eyes, mouth, cheeks, nose. I make a lot of faces that take people awhile to understand, and I'm not sure how spiritual this one is for me. Eyes, I suppose, in prayer, in church, in an apology, an affirmation. It adds to the song, the words.

And now I'm supposed to think about a prayer, poem, phrase, or mantra. This is easy; I have one I actually do get stuck in my head on a regular basis, even while running.

Forsaking All I Trust Him...aka FAITH

Running in FAITH is chasing after God, whether it's physical running or spiritual, I run.

I sing in FAITH when I surrender who I am, become vulnerable at the foot of my Savior, forgetting who I am for all He is.

Making music in FAITH is leaving the door of my room open and letting people actually hear what I'm doing; that perhaps it will be a small seed of Truth in their hearts.

And my ultimate goal in life is to walk, talk,see, and live by FAITH alone.

Jeremy Camp: Walk By Faith

Amen to that!

We live by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:17

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